Steve Dawson – new Product Manager for Closed Systems

16th August 2022

Guardian Water Treatment is pleased to introduce Steve Dawson, the company’s new Product Manager for Closed Systems.

Spearheading Guardian’s industry-leading approach to precommission cleaning and ongoing water system management, which feature Hevasure’s pioneering 24/7 remote condition monitoring technology, Steve is tasked with spreading the benefits of this innovative approach across the commercial sector.

Previously Head of Sales at Guardian, a position held for five years, Steve is ready to turn people’s attentions to an essential but often overlooked piece of the HVAC jigsaw puzzle.

Steve said: “Remote monitoring is gaining a lot of interest in our sector, having been recently cited as a key tool in the fight against corrosion in BSRIA’s latest editions of BG50 – Water Treatment for Closed Heating & Cooling Systems and BG29 – Precommission Cleaning of Pipework Systems. Hevasure’s approach is a world-first and a technology we have been championing for some time; in-fact, BSRIA has drawn on our expertise in this area for both BG50 and BG29.

“Real-time condition monitoring combined with Guardian’s extensive experience across the breadth of water system management – testing, cleaning, pre-commissioning, design and construction – means we can deliver comprehensive packages that will save client’s time and money, through reduced maintenance costs and less risk of breakdown.

Sustainable approach

“Our approach is also more sustainable; a well-managed closed system is less likely to need chemical dosing and flushing with large volumes of water.

“We see time and time again a heavy-handed approach to biocide dosing as clients don’t always understand the root cause of their closed system problems. Guardian’s holistic approach to closed system management includes the added benefit of Hevasure, which allows for transparency; results are sent every 15 minutes, covering a range of parameters, including dissolved oxygen, which is a precursor to all types of corrosion and something sampling cannot effectively detect.

“We are focussed on understanding why there was a problem and then taking steps to prevent this from occurring again.

Changing the culture

“It’s time to move away from an approach to HVAC management that focuses on upfront cost and running systems into the ground. In a large building, for example, downtime of boilers can cost £20,000 a month. We want to change short-termism culture for good, and help our clients see the benefits of prevention and sustainability.”

Guardian Water Treatment has developed two packages featuring Hevasure’s 24/7 remote monitoring technology – BG29i, for pre-commissioning cleaning and handover and BG50i which focusses on water treatment within an existing system; intelligent approaches to closed system management.