Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) – air quality
The COSHH regulations require by law, employers to control exposure to hazardous substances to prevent ill health. This includes human pathogens or any dusts present in substantial quantities in the air. Regulation 7 (1) requires the employer to prevent exposure of employees to substances hazardous to health, or where this is not practicable, to ensure that any exposure is adequately controlled.

Air Monitoring
All hazardous substances must be assessed for risk to human health. Monitoring of airborne substances is required where:
- There could be serious risk to health if control measures failed or deteriorated
- Exposure limits may be exceeded
- Control measures might not be working efficiently
Guardian can provide air monitoring services, helping organisations to comply with COSHH. Our staff are qualified to undertake COSHH compliance monitoring and assessment, and are able to provide the following services:
- Determination of employee exposure to airborne contaminants
- Measurement of ambient levels of airborne contaminants
- Pinpointing hot spots and assessing significant sources of contaminants
- Evaluation of potential risk to human health
- Assessment of efficiency of engineering (local exhaust ventilation) and process control measures
- Investigation of specific air quality issues or concerns
- Recommendations and remedial actions
For more information about COSHH, click here.